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The Mystery of Satan by William W. Orr (Good, 1966, Pbk, 32 pages, Scripture Press)

The Mystery of Satan by William W. Orr (Good, 1966, Pbk, 32 pages, Scripture Press)

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Used in good condition: cover has wear including a tear on spine; pages have some wear but are clean. Item number 17x002324

“The Mystery of Satan” by William W. Orr is an intriguing exploration of the origin, present work, and destiny of Satan. Key points from this book:

  1. Satan’s Origin:

    • Satan was originally called Lucifer, which means “shining one.” He held an exalted position charged with protecting God’s throne.
    • However, pride led to his fall. He set up his own will in opposition to God’s will, resulting in rebellion and separation from God1.
  2. Satan’s Temptation of Adam and Eve:

    • In the beautiful garden, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin. He not only expressed doubt in God’s Word but also falsely charged God with evil intentions.
    • Through this deception, Satan wrested dominion over the world from Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-7; Revelation 12:9; Ephesians 2:2).
  3. His Present Work:

    • Satan continues to deceive and oppose God’s purposes. He seeks to undermine faith, sow discord, and lead people away from God.
    • His tactics include lies, temptation, and promoting sin and rebellion.
  4. His Destiny:

    • Ultimately, Satan’s destiny is sealed. He will face judgment and eternal punishment.
    • Revelation 20:10 describes his final fate: “And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”
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