In Search of Identity by Anwar el-Sadat (Good, 1978, First Edition, HC, 360 pages, Harper & Row)
In Search of Identity by Anwar el-Sadat (Good, 1978, First Edition, HC, 360 pages, Harper & Row)
Used in good condition: slight wear on cover and pages. ISBN 0060137426
I, Anwar el-Sadat, a peasant born and brought up on the banks of the Nile - where man first witnessed the dawn of time - present this book to readers everywhere.
This is the story of my life, which is at the same time the story of Egypt since 1918 - for so destiny has decreed. The events of my life have coincided with those which Egypt has lived during that period. I therefore tell my story in full, not merely as the President of Egypt, but as an Egyptian whose life has been intimately bound up with that of Egypt.
It is, I believe, like every man's life, a journey in search of identity. Each step I have taken over the years has been for the good of Egypt, and has been designed to serve the cause of right, liberty, and peace.
This is the image I have had of myself since childhood, Now, as the landscape of my life unfolds before my eyes, can I claim that this image, which is in effect that of Egypt, has been realized - even recognized?
I leave the reader to find out for himself. - prologue to In Search of Identity