Creeds in Contrast: A Study in Calvinism and Arminianism by Dale Yocum (Very good, 1985, Pbk, 228 pages, Schmul Publishing Co.)

Creeds in Contrast: A Study in Calvinism and Arminianism by Dale Yocum (Very good, 1985, Pbk, 228 pages, Schmul Publishing Co.)

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In very good condition: cover and pages have very light wear; pages are very lightly age-toned. ISBN 088019183x

This book presents a comprehensive and informative comparison of Calvinist and Wesleyan-Arminian understandings of election and cognate doctrines, with emphasis on the pursuit of holiness as a cardinal aspect of faith in the Biblical definition, an emphasis tragically lacking in most churches today, and which cannot without peril be neglected.

I am pleased that the author makes clear that Christ is our hope, whose precious blood cleanses us from all our sins and secures our pardon and salvation, and Who is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

I commend Dr. Yocum for his constructive presentation, and especially for an emphasis desperately needed in this day of casual faith; the pursuit of holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. - Robert Shank [Author of Life in the Son, Elect in the Son, and other books]

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