The Paths of Exploration Junior is a carefully crafted extension designed to coordinate with the main Paths of Exploration curriculum. It provides a flexible and stress-free way to involve younger students (grades K-2) in your family learning experience. Here’s what you can expect from this junior extension:
Inclusion and Ownership: The Paths of Exploration Junior Extension ensures that your younger student feels included and gains a sense of ownership in your family’s learning journey.
Content Alignment: While the main Paths of Exploration curriculum primarily targets students in grades 3-5, this junior extension aligns with related content at a primary level. It bridges the gap between the older and younger siblings’ learning experiences.
Flexible Adaptation: The curriculum can easily be adapted for second and sixth graders as well. So, whether you have a mix of age groups or want to tailor the content to your child’s specific needs, this extension provides flexibility.
Multidisciplinary Approach: Paths of Exploration explores science, history, language skills, and the arts by following in the footsteps of famous explorers and pioneers. Through engaging activities, students learn how to think critically and explore our great country’s beginning and growth.
Student Notebooks: Required student notebook pages are an integral part of this curriculum. These pages include maps, charts, space for copywork or dictation, and other templates needed throughout the year. While the student notebooks are not included with the Teacher’s Guide, you can order them separately.