Raising a Modern-Day Princess: Inspiring Purpose, Value, and Strength in Your Daughter by Pam Farrel; Doreen Hanna (Very good, 2009, Pbk, 240 pages, Focus on the Family)
In very good condition: cover and pages have very light wear; pages are unmarked. ISBN 9781589975743
Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White―how many girls, at some point, dream of being a princess like these fairy-tale characters?
In Raising a Modern-Day Princess, authors Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna come alongside mothers and mentors to offer practical help in raising a generation of women to see themselves as God sees them―as daughters of the King, true modern-day princesses. In an easy-to-use step-by-step style, the authors show moms how to create a fun-filled and life-changing rite-of-passage experience celebrating their daughters’ crossover into womanhood.
There’s also an entire chapter to help dads or father figures understand the vital role they play in their daughters’ lives. With personal stories and advice from real moms and daughters, this book speaks to the heart of every woman who longs to instill in her daughter a true sense of purpose, value, and strength.