"Stranger in the Woods" is an enchanting photographic fantasy created by wildlife photographers Carl R. Sams II and Jean Stoick. Forest animals, awakened by the birds' warning that there is a stranger in the woods, set out to discover if there is danger and find, instead, a wonderful surprise. A little bit of magic emerges from a snowstorm and enters the woods.
If you're ready for a whimsical adventure with furry and feathered forest friends, consider diving into the pages of "Stranger in the Woods."
Stranger in the Woods by Carl R. Sams II; Jean Stoick (Very Good, 2014, Pbk, 66 pages, Scholastic)
Stranger in the Woods by Carl R. Sams II; Jean Stoick (Very Good, 2014, Pbk, 66 pages, Scholastic)
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$4.00 USD
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Used in very good condition: cover and pages have very light usage wear. ISBN 9780545826280