“The Bobbsey Twins: The Secret at the Seashore” by Laura Lee Hope is a delightful tale of mystery and adventure. In this third volume of the Bobbsey Twins Series, the twins—Nan and Bert and Freddie and Flossie—embark on a family trip to visit relatives at the seashore. Their vacation takes an exciting turn when they stumble upon a mysterious message in a bottle while searching for clams and driftwood on the shore. The question arises: Will this clue help them rescue a little girl’s father?
The Bobbsey Twins: The Secret at the Seashore by Laura Lee Hope (Good, 1962, HC, 174 pages, Grosset & Dunlap)
The Bobbsey Twins: The Secret at the Seashore by Laura Lee Hope (Good, 1962, HC, 174 pages, Grosset & Dunlap)
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$5.00 USD
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$5.00 USD
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