“Who Goes There, Lincoln?” by Dale Fife is a delightful children’s book. In this tale, Lincoln and his friends embark on a quest to find a new clubhouse. Their investigation leads them to explore the possibilities of a building that is soon to be torn down. The book was first published in 1975 and features 62 pages. The charming illustrations by Paul Galdone add to the magic of the story.
Who Goes There, Lincoln? by Dale Fife (Good, 1975, HC, 64 pages, Weekly Reader Children's Book Club)
Who Goes There, Lincoln? by Dale Fife (Good, 1975, HC, 64 pages, Weekly Reader Children's Book Club)
Regular price
$3.00 USD
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$3.00 USD
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Used in good condition: cover has some wear; pages have some foxing; sticker on inside front cover. ISBN GB698305655