The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito by Sheila Garrigue is a captivating novel that weaves together the fates of a 200-year-old bonsai tree, a young girl, and an old Japanese Canadian gardener. Set during World War II, the story unfolds in Vancouver, where Sara, the protagonist, is evacuated to live with her aunt and uncle. Amidst the turmoil of war, she forms a special bond with Mr. Ito, the family gardener.
Mr. Ito, a decorated hero of the Great War, becomes more than just a gardener to Sara. He encourages her to think independently, introduces her to various paths of enlightenment, and imparts wisdom about the continuity of life. His delicate yet sturdy bonsai trees serve as powerful symbols throughout the narrative.
As Sara grapples with personal tragedies and the challenges of wartime, she finds solace in her friendship with Mr. Ito. Their shared moments in the garden provide a sense of calm and understanding. The fate of the ancient bonsai tree becomes intertwined with their lives, reflecting themes of resilience, cultural identity, and the enduring spirit of nature.
The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito by Sheila Garrigue (Good, 1985, HC, 163 pages, Bradbury Press)
The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito by Sheila Garrigue (Good, 1985, HC, 163 pages, Bradbury Press)
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$3.50 USD
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Former library book in good condition: Cover and pages have light wear; two pages have been creased; typical library stamps/stickers. ISBN 0027373002