When You Lose Someone You Love by Richard M. Cromie (Good, 1993, Pbk, 61 pages, Desert Ministries)
When You Lose Someone You Love by Richard M. Cromie (Good, 1993, Pbk, 61 pages, Desert Ministries)
Used in good condition: cover has light wear as do pages. Inside is clean. ISBN 0914733184
The book, When You Lose Someone You Love, by Dr. Cromie has helped thousands of people go through their individual journeys when someone they are close to has died. This is an excerpt from the It happens soon or death intrudes on every life; the moment comes for everyone when you lose someone you love. As pastor I am often there, and several times I have been there myself. Sometimes it comes suddenly and without warning. Sometimes it comes after a long and lingering illness. Sometimes it comes in a peaceful parting of one who has lived a good long full life. At times it comes be self-inflicteded wounds. Sometimes its arrival is a mystery. But it comes to everyone, young and old and to all the in-betweens.